Thursday, November 21, 2024

German driving license guide: flexible options

Here is the step by step guide to applies for a German driving license. For EU citizens persons who already have a license from their...

Getting married in Germany as a foreigner

Introduction: If you are thinking of becoming someone's spouse and want to get married in a beautiful Bavarian castle surrounded by endless black...

Policies for the disabled in Germany

Considering their zeal for perfectionism Germans for sure don't see setbacks in their lives even with the motor deficits. According to German law, people...

German Social Security Number for foreign students in Germany

Social security card for foreign students- Sozialversicherungsnummer In practice, anyone who starts to work in Germany generally becomes subject to social insurance contributions. This also...

What are federal states in Germany

"No one may be prejudiced or favored because of his sex, his parentage, his race, his language, his homeland and origin, his faith, his...

Things you can learn about government system in Germany

Germany is a democratic government, thanks to its multiparty form of democracy that rightfully came into conception in early 1949. Like many developed states...

Holocaust and Germany, before and after

A comparative timeline: Shoah, the Hebrew word or Churban the Yiddish word for a catastrophe came into existence when 6 million Europeans were killed by...

EU Blue card for Germany

Blue cards are generally resident permit cards that are issued to non-EU member state citizens to as a legal document of stay within any...

Germany focuses on safety administration with core details

Considering the impeccable laws with regards to medical, hospice and palliative care and policies for the impaired we can easily understand that Germany without...

leadership in the euro zone the role of Germany and EU...

Leadership styles across the world: To understand leadership and the psyche of a true, revolutionary leader, here's a sneak peek into the leadership styles that...


German's large bank from the top view

Top banks in Germany – Recommended

car dashboard

Automobile Industry in Germany

fast food dishes

Most Popular Fast-Food Chains in Germany