Deutsches Studentenwerk or Deutsches Studentenwerke (plural) or DSW was founded in 1921. It is also known as the German National Association for Student Affairs. They are key and indispensable guarantors to the German higher education system. They offer advice and support to some 2.8million students at more than 300 higher education institutions in around 200 locations and take care of social, economical, cultural and health matters.
Associations & Tasks taken up by the DSW:
It is a voluntary association of Germany’s 57 Studentenwerke or student service organizations. These organizations fulfil public tasks in the provision of economic, social, health and cultural support to students enrolled at all German higher education institutions.
Studentenwerke play a key role in ensuring equal opportunities to the students by cooperating with higher education institutions and university towns and cities. They help improve the pervasive study conditions by making substantial contributions, thus shaping the living and learning environment at universities. The Modus Operandi of Studentenwerk is to successfully educate the students regardless of their social background. Successful studies regardless of social background are only possible with the availability of inexpensive food, adequate and affordable living spaces, advisory services, counselling services, child care, financial and cultural support.
Executive and Administrative part of Studentenwerk:
Studentenwerke operate independently and autonomously from each other. Though ubiquitous throughout Germany, the local governments have a hand and play an authoritative role in making decisions.
Deutsches Studentenwerke is a non-profit association of all 57 associations, advice and support members in particular by:
- Representing the social interests of students and the Studentenwerke vis-à-vis politics, the public and leading university and science associations.
- Maintaining close cooperation with institutions and organizations with common goals
- Bringing its expertise to federal and state legislation
- Organising further education courses and advising members of Sudentenwerke on topics that are relevant to their day to day work.
Thus, making key contributions to increased equal opportunities in higher education and also helping to improve the preexisting conditions to enhance the framework and approach to studies, thereby making studying and its concepts more relevant and efficient, further helping higher education institutions to enhance their profiles as well as their academic curricula. They also provide equivalent opportunities for all students, regardless of the size, type or the location of a higher education institution.
What is noteworthy is that Studentenwerke as organizations work in accordance with modern commercial principles. That is why they’re known as “Service Companies with Social Responsibilities” as they provide public welfare and benefits and services, provided by the German Constitution and in state legislation for free of cost. Thus making inaccessible and economically disadvantaged locations accessible.
Their “broad service offer” spectrum enables them to offer a wide range of services and assistance like university catering, child care, advisory and counselling services, accommodation, financing of studies, placement services and cultural orientation. The services are also aimed to provide medical care for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Due to a surge in the number of students in the last few years, their economic factor is comparable to medium-sized or large-sized enterprises, considering their roles in production, service and administration.