Nearby countries to visit from Germany

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There are many beautiful countries, actually nine in number surrounding Germany that you would want to visit, but here are the ones with a breathtaking experience:Russia

As we’ve mentioned umpteen times of German‘s meticulous infrastructure in terms of the transport network, you may have a temptation to visit the nearby countries. The best thing is that you’ll not need special visas or detailed document process to visit neighboring EU member states. Moreover, there are train options that offer express transport at affordable prices. If you don’t want to spend time in train underground tunnels, then there is also an airline option as Germany is home to many airline companies, both local and international. It is no surprise that flights to neighboring Germany countries get domestic flight treatment. 

There are many beautiful countries, actually nine in number surrounding Germany that you would want to visit, but here are the ones with a breathtaking experience:

  • Russia

As for Russia, you’ll need to apply for ta Visa at the Russian Federation. Russia is a superpower country with high global ranking and will not take chances with visitors, especially foreigners. Getting a direct train to Moscow can be demanding as you’ll have to connect through Warsaw. Train travel will take you an average of 11 hours. However, if you decide to take a flight, then you’ll be in Russian airspace in less than five hours, and in six hours, you’ll be landing in Moscow.  Russia is a fun place to be as it also hosted the last FIFA World cup games.

  • Denmark

Do you know that you can travel to Denmark from German by bus? Well, this is the cheapest option, but it will averagely take you a whopping nine hours to make it to the Denmark borders. However, you can also use an affordable airline to make it to Denmark in less than three hours. Copenhagen is a town that has a fantastic night club life that you wouldn’t want to miss. Moreover, you can drive from Germany to Copenhagen via hybrid ferries, which connect the two countries. Hybrid ferries operate twenty-four hours round the clock.

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  • Poland

Poland is separate from German with a wide stretch of 605km. So, how do you cover this gap and make sure that you get to Warsaw in time to enjoy the town of pierogi and potatoes? Well, there are three traveling options. You’ll either catch a bus for nine hours, a train for 6.5 hours, or flying for four hours.  

  • Czech Republic 

Another country that you would probably want to add to the historical list of places you’ve visited while in Germany is the Czech Republic. Czech Republic is not only home to industrialization and innovation but a perfect site for tourism. You probably want to enjoy the famous beautiful castles and medieval buildings you’ve been reading on books or watching in documentaries. So, what is the best and affordable way to get to the Czech Republic from Germany? Well, you’ll catch the first train in Berlin at about 06:46 a.m; and be in Prague within precisely 4 hours and 30 minutes. That is how fast you can get to the Czech Republic using an affordable means. 

  • France

Are you a staunch fashion icon? Then well, a trip to Paris will do you great. Besides, France is An EU member state and therefore provided you have the necessary documents that show proof of German residence, then you are all set to go. How do you get to Paris from Munich? The most shocking thing is that you’ll only spend six hours in today’s France to Germany high-speed train. What about 3 hours from Paris to Stuttgart? Well, you have all the reasons to visit France since you have more train departures which are budget-friendly in the long run.