Medical facilities Deutsch and across Germany


Categorical classification of the German healthcare system:

From Praxiskliniken (practice hospitals) to stationäre Behandlung to rehabilitation facilities, the German healthcare system has been divided into three categories of OPD/OPC Outpatient departments or Outpatient care to stationäre Behandlung or Inpatient Care and Rehabilitation Centres or Paramedical centres.

The institutions responsible for administering the healthcare system are called associations. They comprise of several regulatory bodies, The Federal Ministry of Health, representatives, patient organizations and self-help groups. 

Generic principles adhered to by the German healthcare system:

  • Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or the (GKV)

is a statutory health insurance coverage policy for the German nationals. This policy applies to those who have a fixed limit on their gross earnings. In German, it is called Versicherungspflightchgrenze.  It also applies to those who have higher income although they can alternatively opt for private health insurance coverage or private Krakenversicherung. When it comes to statutory health insurance, the Federal Joint Committee is the highest decision-making authority. It is also responsible for healthcare quality assurance. It is supported by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen). They combined with each other, assess the benefits and risks associated with diagnostic procedures in an empirical manner.

man wearing surgical suit near mirror

  • Premium insurance funding or allotment: This applies to the employees working in organizations. Their healthcare is financed through premium insurance paid by the insured employees and their employers. Tax revenue surpluses also contribute to a certain extent. Premiums are solely based on income or Beitragsbemessungsgrenze.
  • Principle of Solidarity: According to this policy all the health insurance members carry the individual risks of the expenses of medical care in the events of illness. However, everybody covered by statutory insurance has an equal right to medical care and continued payment of wages when ill, regardless of their income.
  • Principle of self-governance: While the German state sets the conditions for medical care, the processes of further organization and financing of individual medical services depends on the self-governing bodies within the healthcare system. These are made up of both professional medical staff and paramedics. It also includes the insurers and the insured people. Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss or G-BA is the highest entity of self-governance in the healthcare system.

Structure and institutions of the healthcare systems:

The Federal Ministry of Health or Bundesministerium für Gesundheit or BMG is responsible for policy-making at the Federal level. Its tasks include directing a number of institutions and making laws and administrative guidelines for dealing with higher-level issues of public health, such as the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices to approve the pharmaceutical products and their supply. The Paul Ehrich institute is responsible for the approval and supply of vaccines throughout Germany.

Public Health Services:

Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst or OGD takes responsibility for protecting people from health risks unanimously. Regional healthcare departments are set up and they provide reliable information and guidance to the seekers apart from ensuring communal hygiene and protecting people against infections and offer psychological support apart from following the required safety protocols.