Germany – Maternity leave (Mutterschutz) Law Benefits

pregnant lady and her husband
You are allowed to send your duly-filled application forms at least seven weeks before giving birth. In addition to that, you will also need a doctor's certification to confirm that you are expectant. If everything goes well, you'll receive an approval letter via post.

If you are planning to have a child in Germany, then it’s all good for you as you’ll get a parental maternity allowance courtesy of the German social security system. Maternity allowance in Germany is essential as it compensates for income loss experienced by expectant and nursing mothers. Statutory maternity leave in Germany is between six weeks before childbirth and eight weeks after delivery. The German social security system can, therefore, affect a maternity allowance only during this period. 

Under what circumstances am I entitled to Maternal benefits in Germany?

Maternity allowance is paid for six weeks before the birth and eight weeks after (12 weeks for premature and multiple births as well as in cases where a doctor declares the child to be disabled within eight weeks of childbirth and the woman applies for a longer term of protection) and for the day of childbirth. In the case of premature birth, post-natal coverage is extended by the number of days earlier than the due date that the child was born.

person using laptop on white wooden table

Requirements for maternity benefit allowance in Germany?

Maternity pay is intended to compensate working mothers for loss of earnings during their maternity period. Therefore, you only qualify if you will lose your salary during your maternity period (if you lose your job while on maternity leave, you also qualify). Additionally, in order to be eligible for maternity benefits, you must fulfill one of the following criteria:

  • It would be best if you were gainfully employed and covered by a statutory health insurance scheme. Lawful gainful employment means that you have all the necessary valid documentation that shows work proof or residence proof as a foreigner.
  • If you are self-employed or a freelancer in the making, then you must prove voluntary membership of a statutory health insurance scheme with a sickness benefit included in the cover.
  • If you don’t opt for the option of statutory health insurance scheme, then you must have private health insurance, but still, show proof of employment or self-employment. 

How much Mutterschaftsgeld (maternity benefit) can you receive?

Any amount of maternity allowance that you’ll be entitled to will depend on the kind of information that you give and its truthfulness. Remember, besides telling the truth, you’ll also need to provide documentation that tally with everything that you say and put in writing.

Mutterschaftsgeld amounts will be graded in the following ways:

  • Mutterschaftsgeld from Federal Insurance Office

If you are self-employed or have a registered employee and still opt for Private Insurance, then you’ll receive a maternity allowance from Federal Insurance Office. Every federal state has a local office that processes maternity allowance applications and makes sure that they remit the funds accordingly. With this option, you’ll get up to 13 Euros per day. 

  • Mutterschaftsgeld from statutory health insurance

If you are covered with the statutory health insurance policy, then maternity allowance is calculated on the basis of a three-month employment average salary. However, in this case, you will get any amount up to 13 euros per day, but the amount shall not exceed that in any circumstance. Your employer is, however, at liberty to top up the amount.

If the average three-month pay is calculated and it exceeds 13 euros daily payment, then the employer has to top up the remaining amount. In fact, it is mandatory that you get what your salary averages to. 

The application process – How to apply for maternity benefit

You are allowed to send your duly-filled application forms at least seven weeks before giving birth. In addition to that, you will also need a doctor’s certification to confirm that you are expectant (Bescheinigung über den mutmaßlichen Tag der Entbindung). If everything goes well, you’ll receive an approval letter via post. 

Parental allowance (Elterngeld)

To provide new parents with even more financial support, the German government also offers a parental allowance (Elterngeld) scheme that compensates mothers and fathers for their loss of earnings for up to 24 months.

Child benefits (Kindergeld)

Becoming a parent entitles you to several other benefits in Germany: as long as your child is dependent on you, you can receive financial support from the German government in the form of child benefits (Kindergeld). This includes tax-free allowances, supplementary allowances, and maintenance payments for parents.

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Germany - Maternity leave (Mutterschutz) Law Benefits
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Germany - Maternity leave (Mutterschutz) Law Benefits
If you are planning to have a child in Germany, then it's all good for you as you'll get a parental maternity allowance courtesy of the German social security system. Maternity allowance in Germany is essential as it compensates for income loss experienced by expectant and nursing mothers. Statutory maternity leave in Germany is between six weeks before childbirth and eight weeks after delivery. The German social security system can, therefore, affect a maternity allowance only during this period. 
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