Important Guide : How to rent a flat in Germany

house on the riverbank
Finding a home in Germany is one of the most important parts of this movement. Renting an apartment in Germany can be difficult if you are likely to need to move to a famous city. Usually, personal information about the city and its environment, or an intensive online study on the German urban community and its rental procedures and rules is beneficial.

Finding a home in Germany is one of the most important parts of this movement. Renting an apartment in Germany can be difficult if you are likely to need to move to a famous city. Usually, personal information about the city and its environment, or an intensive online study on the German urban community and its rental procedures and rules is beneficial.This guide describes the different options available for accommodation rentals.

  • Finding your requirement 

The important point is finding your requirements there are verities of flats, home apartments are available to ask yourself self question for getting clarity for same.

  • Do you want to live alone?
  • Do you want to live with family or friends?
  • Do you want a flatmate?
  • How flatmate you want many?
  • Is it okay if your flatmate is a stranger?
  • How far transportation from you home 
  • Choose a bouget that fits your pocket

In Germany, different costs vary by region, town, and city. After clearing the requirements, the next part of the process calculates the bouget. Let’s understand the following example.


  • The average monthly rent for an apartment € 1694.
    The average size of the apartment is € 79.92 square meters.
  • The average room size is 2.57 rooms.
    The average monthly price per square meter is € 22.56.
  • The hotel room costs an average of about € 90 per night. 
  • For furnished two- or three-room flat average € 500 to € 1,200 per month for temporary its also depends upon city or town.

Cathedral in Berlin, Germany

  • Best online platform to find flats/Apartments 

WG / Wohngemeinschaft (flatshare)

Wohnung / Haus (Apartment / House)

Some common websites in Germans languages

Below listed site is very comprehensive and listings throughout Germany and all in the German language. We recommend that you use Google Translate.

Use social media

All you have to know is how things work over here. Today, most places are promoted via Facebook.No only those websites help you to find but also social media plan an important role in your journey below is the use of Useful Facebook Groups that help you a lot to find flats.

  • Useful Facebook GroupsWG Zimmer Wohnung in Berlin, Berliner Wohnungsbörse, WG-Zimmer und Wohnungen Berlin,Short term accommodation Berlin.  

What are German terms you need to know to before you search the flats

  • Angebot: offer
  • Badezimmer: bathroom
  • Ballungsgebiete: district with a regulation for the increase of the rent
  • Betriebskosten: Service charges
  • Küche: kitchen (room)
  • Schlafzimmer : bedroom
  • Möbiliert — furnished.
  • Renoviert — renovated.
  • Etage: floor
  • Straße: street
  • Stellplatz: parking spot
  • WG / Wohngemeinschaft (flatshare)
  • Wohnung / Haus (Apartment / House)
  • Deposits (Kaution)
  • Rules & regulations (Hausordnung)
  • Redecoration (Rennovierungsarbeiten) Haus: house, building
  • Haus kaufen: to buy a hous, a building
  • Haustier: pet
What does kaltmiete / warmmiete (‘warm rent’ and ‘cold rent’) mean?
  • Warm rent: In simple words, Warm rent means it in includes all your all extra-costs for Example electricity (“Strom”), gas or water expenses. It can also include the internet or/and TV although it depends p on your agreements.
  • Cold rent: The cold rent is opposite to Warm rent. In cold rent not include all other expenses. You need to pay separately to the Contractor for gas, electricity, water and internet your landlord won’t be involved in the same.
  •  How to visit the flat 
Once you choosing the flat online web sites give an option to send messages directly to property-owner, its shoes your interest in flat. Mention your basic details Name, Age, occupation, monthly income etc. if the landlord is interested in you to allocate flat so you will receive a response in a couple of days.
  1. What does the rental contract contain in Germany?
    • Contract period
    • Deposit amount
    • Monthly rent amount.
    • Additional cost depending on the application
    • Rent increases information
    • Complete list of furniture when renting a furnished apartment
    • Pet rules (whether or not allowed to keep inside)
    • Home rules set by landlords and the repair costs they cover
    • Notice period (usually 3 months if you or your landlord wants to cancel the contract)
  1.  require documents 
    • A copy of your ID or passport (Kopie des Ausweises)
    • Confirmation of no rental debts (Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung)
    • Salary confirmation (Gehaltsnachweise)
    • Bank statements (Kontoauszüge)
    • Tenant application form (Mieterselbstauskunft)
    • Documentation of your credit worthiness (SCHUFA-Auskunft or Bonitätsauskunft für den Vermieter)
  • Rent: €515 (60 sqm flat, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room), includes water, heating, trash removal, in a cheapish town.
  • Electricity: €40
  • Internet: €35
  • Mobile Recharges: € 15–30 
  • TV license: €17.50
  • Health insurance cover costs : students €85 and professionals €160 per month