old keypad phone

Important notes for mobile phone service when travelling to Germany

You'll obviously need cell phone coverage when traveling to Germany. Among the reasons why you need phone services are so obvious and include keeping...
A theme park

The amusement park in Germany

Do you know that Germany has about seven theme parks that have remained a leading tourist destination site in the whole of Europe? Well,...

Social and cross-cultural psychological awareness in Germany

Social and Cross-Cultural Psychological awareness in Germany: A historical perspective The main intention of this article is to give the readers a subtle view of...
running race with wheelchair

Policies for the disabled in Germany

Considering their zeal for perfectionism Germans for sure don't see setbacks in their lives even with the motor deficits. According to German law, people...
gym equpments

Bodybuilding in Germany

Sneak peek into the German world of fitness Behold all the fitness zealots! Welcome to the Deutschland that is a hub of innovation in the...
city view

Most expensive cities you can dream to live in Germany

Many foreigners view Germany as an affordable and convenient option when it comes to higher learning, training and education. Well, that is accurate because...

German textile and fashion industry association

Ah! Germany! The land of avant-garde fashion. From introducing and manufacturing the infamous brands like Adidas and Puma to lesser-known brands like Dorothy Schumacher,...
news on phone screen

News agencies in Germany

An overview of the media ecosystem of Germany:  Germany is one of the countries with the highest amount of news agencies in its own language....
coins stack

The best online money wallets in Germany

Online money wallets in Germany Well, it might be quite a surprise that cash is the most common method of payment, not only in Berlin...

Characteristic of German artifacts

Günter Grass quoted " For in our country, everything is geared to growth, we are never satisfied. For us, it is never enough. We...



German’s achievements in sports

Basic working conditions in Germany

The amusement park in Germany