A theme park

The amusement park in Germany

Do you know that Germany has about seven theme parks that have remained a leading tourist destination site in the whole of Europe? Well,...
Building in Germany

SMEs in Germany facts and figures

Small to mid-size enterprise (SME) is a company or rather a corporation that keeps its revenues, market share, and the number of employees below...

Social and cross-cultural psychological awareness in Germany

Social and Cross-Cultural Psychological awareness in Germany: A historical perspective The main intention of this article is to give the readers a subtle view of...
A Smart TV with Youtube Streaming in it

Streaming services in Germany – entertainment, and chill

Movies are not all about entertainment. The sharing of culture and lifestyle is apparent in these blockbusters. The American lifestyles have spread to living...

German textile and fashion industry association

Ah! Germany! The land of avant-garde fashion. From introducing and manufacturing the infamous brands like Adidas and Puma to lesser-known brands like Dorothy Schumacher,...
cultural festival

Cultural differences in Germany

An authentic glimpse: Ranging from acknowledging one's very first day in this world ( in den Geburtstag reinfeiern) that is the birthday or Reinfeiern...
Work office In Germany

Gender equality in the workplace in Germany

Germany has since been known as a leading destination for skilled labor, especially in the technology sector. The country is not only open to...
A German railway

Holocaust and Germany, before and after

A comparative timeline: Shoah, the Hebrew word or Churban the Yiddish word for a catastrophe came into existence when 6 million Europeans were killed by...

Characteristic of German artifacts

Günter Grass quoted " For in our country, everything is geared to growth, we are never satisfied. For us, it is never enough. We...

Geriatric care management in and across Germany

In response to growing impediments in the care industry, Germany has been implementing staunch aspects by setting up a "Konziertre Aktion Pflege" or Concerted...